Two Sides to Every Conversation: Communication Strategies and Appropriate Interpreter Utilization in Pediatric Orthopaedics Current Concept Review
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Marginalized patients including those with limited English proficiency (LEP) are at risk of seeing graver health outcomes across many specialties. Communication barriers contribute to impaired shared-decision making and missed education opportunities. Tools are available to clinicians to allow for more accurate and effective education and to facilitate shared decision-making. This article reviews existing guidelines for utilization of professional interpreters. A framework is provided for pre-visit planning, facilitating appropriate introductions, and setting up a clinic room to optimize workflow. Suggestions are provided for utilizing professional interpreters efficiently and prioritizing patient autonomy, respect, and mutual understanding. Pediatric orthopaedic surgeons and providers can promote health equity by utilizing professional interpreters and using other strategies to communicate effectively with patients and families from diverse backgrounds and/or those who have LEP.