Editor’s Note

DOI: 10.55275/JPOSNA-2022-0089

Volume 4, Number 3, August 2022


JPOSNA® has been designated the official journal of “our society,” the Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America. It is supported and produced by all of our members. We are growing in submissions for original research; many thanks to Deputy Editor of Research JR Cruz, the Editorial Board, and POSNA members who provide valuable review and suggestions for improvement. As opposed to other journals that won’t consider resubmissions of papers that fall short of their subjective reviews, JPOSNA® culture is to work with authors to improve, redirect, or redefine submissions that could be of value to all of us.

How literature will be published and accessed in the future is of great debate. Most agree that open access electronic journals such as JPOSNA® are the future. Yet, which search engines will be the best at making content discoverable? Currently, your papers are easily found on Google Scholar; our journal has retained a consultant that is working to guide us to gain Medline and PubMed Central access. This will be valuable to our journal and our authors, yet they are not perfect, as they don’t allow referencing and access to some of the cutting-edge video and electronic offerings we provide. Despite limitations to all search engines, we are working hard to make JPOSNA® content available and easily discoverable to the entire world.

We are also working to increase the breadth of offerings through supplement editions. On August 15, JPOSNA® will publish a wonderful educational supplement edited by Liz Hubbard from Duke University. Advances in Pediatric Orthopaedic Education and Technical Training will consist of articles touching on various aspects of pediatric orthopaedic education as well as a dozen or so training modules (paper and video) that can be adopted in our centers to train our learners. Other supplements, including an enhancement of our 2022 JEDI Symposium chaired by Julie Samora, are in the works! Stay tuned…


Ken Noonan, MD

[email protected]